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Comments on Interview

I like how when people told him negative things he took it positively and improved his work. When his coach told him he had a gift in basketball, yet he still decided to only focus on his studies. It fascinated me how he wanted to prove the stereotypes from and so he worked harder. I also liked how he said you have to fail to learn and that people are afraid of failing, so then they aren't learning.

How he describes creativity is very strange to me, its how you preserve nature. I don't agree with that, I think if you have an imagination you are creative. It's taking what you have in your mind and showing it to the world, it doesn't have to be an art form it can be anything. If you can create something, anything you're CREATive.

Overall, he had a lot of great points and his story is amazing. However is though on creativity was strange to me, but also I can tell by the video that its an older interview, so things have changed and people know that you can create and communicate with technology that helps us more today.


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